
About Me: Hi! I’m Shamar. I began my career as a Network Engineer, in 2015. Configuration of switches, routers, VoIP phones, Wireless Access points (and more) was the bulk of the job. Before that I was considered as the ‘do-it-all’ field IT admin for my Va Army National Guard units. I enojyed the congifguration process because it reminded me of my failed attempts to learn to code. The more I progressed in my carrer, the more automating tasks became a necessity. Eventually, automation became my favorite part of the job. Now, I am on a quest to transition from Network Engineering to Software Engineering. Here is a brief overview of my journey to get there!

Technical skills: Cisco products & devices, Microsoft Office, Python, Powershell, Bash

Network Automation Experience


These are some the projects I chose to facilitate my transistion from Network Engineering to Software Engineering.

In the game of Pokemon, a pokemon can be one or two of 18 unique types. This is their type combination. This project suggests 4 types to help users choose moves that will do the most damage to the most type combinations not covered by stab types. These moves are known as “coverage.”


Poke_coverage main
Poke_coverage functions